9 Ways Marketing Can Fix a Sales Slump
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9 Ways Marketing Can Fix a Sales Slump

Did you know a whopping 45% of salespeople miss their quota?* Yes, hearing that—if you’re a business owner or marketer—is like being subjected to the excruciating misery of nails being scraped across a chalkboard…for an hour. There’s hope; keep reading. The misery of every business It seems most businesses finish their year-end planning and look…

10 Important Ways You Should Analyze Your Business to Gain Marketing Strategy Insights-Justpositionit
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10 Important Ways You Should Analyze Your Business to Gain Marketing Strategy Insights

  Did you know that according to 2016 statistics published by the Small Business Administration (SBA), about 50% of all businesses survive at least five years, and that number drops to 1/3 after 10 years or more.* Whoa! The importance of keeping your eye on the ball can’t be overstated.     Lots of small…

Justpositionit 9 Signs You Desperately Need to Hire a Marketing Consultant
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9 Signs You Desperately Need to Hire a Marketing Consultant

  Did you know that hundreds of thousands of businesses¹ retain the services of a marketing consultant? Whoa! That’s a ton of much-needed help and support given. And why not? Marketing consultants are critical to the success of many businesses both large and small.     There are so many benefits of hiring a marketing…

9 Hidden Marketing Tactics You Can Learn from Universal Studios Hollywood to Grow Your Business
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9 Hidden Marketing Tactics You Can Learn from Universal Studios Hollywood to Grow Your Business

  Did you know Universal Studios Hollywood had 7.1 million visitors in 2015? Ay caramba! That’s a lot of people, memories, families, kids, and MONEY-SPENDING customers! Yes, I said customers.   Many times, people look at theme parks such as this and think it’s just an amusement park meant to simply entertain. Well, that’s partially true….

Warning: 9 Epic Sales Failures to Avoid Like the Plague
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Warning: 9 Epic Sales Failures to Avoid Like the Plague

  Did you know over 90% of companies will only buy from other companies they trust?¹ There’s a lesson here, folks! If you want sales, you have to build trust—it’s really that simple. But some companies just don’t learn. I had a not-so-great experience with a home improvement vendor (who shall remain nameless) that I…

10 Easy Ways to Get Traffic into Your Brick-and-Mortar Store
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10 Easy Ways to Get Traffic into Your Brick-and-Mortar Store

Did you know that in 2013, retail sales topped $4.5 trillion and are expected to exceed $5.5 trillion in 2018?* Jiminy Cricket! Who says retail is dead?     With so much focus on the online and digital marketplace, it’s easy to forget that ecommerce sales only represent about 6% of overall retail sales.* Don’t…

Warning: 9 Epic Sales Failures to Avoid Like the Plague
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9 Scary Marketing Mistakes You Should Never Make

Did you know that according to the U.S. Census Bureau, over 75% of businesses have no website?* Yikes! ?     Yep, a bit unfortunate and can you say, SCARY!!! You would think something like a website would be a marketing must-have for all businesses, but clearly that’s just not the reality. My suspicion is…

Justpositionit. 11 easy ways to create promotions that drive action
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11 Easy Ways to Create Promotions that Drive Action

80% of consumers would be more tempted to buy from Amazon if they were offered free shipping. 66% would buy if they were offered next-day delivery and 64% said they would buy if they were offered free returns.*     Can you say, cha-ching? If your business isn’t using promotions, you’re leaving money on the…

Copywriting tips
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5 More Mouth-Watering Before-and-After’s that Pack a Copywriting Punch

The E! Reality Series Botched was just renewed for its third season set to air in 2016— pulling in 1.8 million viewers. Wowza! People love their before-and-after’s.     I love them too and they’re so addicting, aren’t they? So I thought I’d bring you 5 more mouth-watering before-and-after’s that pack a copywriting punch. Finding the perfect…

What Not to Do with Your Content Marketing Lead Generation Strategy
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What Not to Do with Your Content Marketing Strategy

Did you know there are 211,000,000 pieces of online content created every minute?!* You read it right—that’s 211 million with an M.     Can anyone say, holy cow! Hey, content marketing and lead generation work, clearly, or else businesses wouldn’t invest the time, energy, or expense to do it. But there is a proven…

Don't make this huge advertising mistake. JustPositionIt
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Don’t Make This HUGE Advertising Mistake

According to statista.com, print advertising spending in the United States is expected to reach $15.1 billion in 2016.* That’s a lot of ink and paper!     If you are going to invest that much dough into print advertising, make sure you are doing everything possible to make the biggest impact on both your business…

direct mail
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7 Ways You Can Use Direct Mail to Engage and Sell: Part One

Over 155 billion pieces of direct mail were processed in fiscal year 2014, and 80.9 billion of those pieces were advertising related!* Who says direct mail is dead?     Clearly, direct mail is still a very viable option for delivering relevant messages to targeted audiences…and it’s highly measurable. And let’s face it—am I the…

Guarantee Your way to more sales
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5 Steps to Guarantee Your Way to More Sales

Oh, the guarantee…Wouldn’t it be great if we could guarantee everything—like spouse fidelity, our heartbeat, or even our life happiness? Ahh…bliss.     Maybe we can’t guarantee those things but if you’re a business owner or have something to sell, a guarantee can be a powerful marketing puzzle piece that can have a major impact…

9 Ways to Increase Your Convenience Factor
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9 Ways to Increase Your Convenience Factor

7 Eleven is the world’s largest convenience store chain with some 55,000 stores in 16 countries, of which more than 10,400 are in North America!* Holy smokes—who says being convenient doesn’t pay?     What does this tell you? Well, it tells you that people love convenience, especially if it will help save them precious…

6 Ways to Make People Fall in Love with Your Product or Service
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6 Ways to Make People Fall in Love with Your Product or Service

Valentine’s Day spending exceeded $18 billion in 2015!* Whoa, that’s a lot of chocolate, right?     Make people fall in love with you all-year-round. Below are a few ways to get people to always say YES, fall more in love with your product or service, or at least take another loving look at you….

5 Ways to Uncover More Leads with SMART Telemarketing
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5 Ways to Uncover More Leads with SMART Telemarketing

  You’re eating dinner with your family, or just getting home from work, or are enjoying sleeping in on a Saturday morning, when the phone rings . . . it’s a telemarketer! I know, I know, don’t scream. If you’re like me you cringe when you even think a telemarketer is calling. You dread being…

9 Ways to Tap into the Emotion of the Holidays and Bring a Sales Windfall
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9 Ways to Tap into the Emotion of the Holidays and Bring a Sales Windfall

The holidays are obviously a prime sales time for retailers, but it can also be a great time to capture new prospects and clients for all businesses and service providers. Quite simply, people make New Year’s resolutions—make your product or offering one of those resolutions.     The holidays are a time of pure and…

26 Reasons JustPositionIt! Is Just For You…and Your Company
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26 Reasons JustPositionIt! Is Just For You…and Your Company

Every business, no matter how large or small, should have access to thoughtful, meaningful, relevant, and helpful marketing strategies and tips regardless of their depth of marketing expertise. In the world of business growth and development, it’s all about positioning and marketing puzzle pieces. I beg your pardon, you say? Whether you’re a small business…

Justpositionit Subscribe
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No-Brainer Reasons to Get FREE Updates!

End the madness, misery, and misguidance of not attracting and keeping the customers you want.     Is this you? You want more customers but don’t know what to do to get more. You know you need to work on retention but don’t know how to start creating loyalty. You want a marketing system for…