The JustPositionIt!® Story

Have you ever watched a loved one struggle with something and knew you could do something about it? You would take action right? That’s exactly what I did.

Starting in my teenage years, I worked for my mom in her real estate office as her free-labored marketing person. I gave her ideas about office organization and sales strategies for her agents, created her first website, wrote her newsletters, created her logo, and developed her marketing plans. But something else was happening.

There’s no way she would have been able to afford a marketing person or company, with the level of expertise she needed, to handle the many business development aspects her business required—especially not as a sole proprietorship with no time to spare.

I Watched My Mom Struggle

I watched her struggle with all the demands that came with entrepreneurship—like human resources, employee conflict, client service, cash flow, accounting, potential lawsuits, taxes, and keeping the lights on, all while working over 70 hours a week. Running a small business—or any business—is tough, and marketing, while critically important, can get easily pushed down on the priority list.

My Epiphany 

I was providing an invaluable service to her, one that would help her business thrive…so I made an important, life-changing decision. My calling is to help other business owners like her.

Throughout my career I’ve helped businesses of all sizes grow. I have an undeniable passion for it—which really stems from my love of helping people, starting with my mom. I’m proud I was able to provide her with services that she wouldn’t have otherwise received but very much deserved. I came through for her in her time of need and my life’s mission is to be there for you too.

Your Marketing Partner 

And there you have it. My purpose and joy is serving business owners, marketers, and entrepreneurs who simply have no time and limited resources. She was my first marketing consultation gig, and I didn’t even know it!

Quote from Mom

I’m in the real estate profession and have been for over 35 years. Little did I know that Angela would “teach my agents and I valuable lessons” when she would intern in the summer from college. Clearly, her talent and managerial skills were something to behold as I’d sit and observe my daughter interact with agents and clients. Her intelligence and kindness overwhelmed my staff.

When she was away at college we found ourselves looking at each other in amazement during meetings and saying, what would Angela do or suggest? It was hilarious! After all, she was only a kid, half our age. I was indeed lucky to have her on my team and in my life forever. I’m comforted in knowing that, in some small way, her dad and I helped in molding her life.”

Val Murphy, Real estate owner and Ang’s mom

What I Believe

I believe every business, no matter how large or small, should have access to thoughtful, meaningful, relevant, and helpful marketing strategies and tips regardless of their depth of marketing expertise.

It’s all about positioning and marketing puzzle pieces. Puzzle pieces are those powerful marketing weapons that fit into a larger strategy that ultimately create your positioning and brand. If one puzzle piece is the wrong fit—like using bench ads to promote an electrical drill—it can sidetrack your entire marketing “big picture,” not to mention waste money.

What Else I Believe 

Whether you’re a small business owner, professional speaker, marketing executive, sales person, dealership owner, retailer, CFO, CEO, or consultant—you use, have used, will use, or should use, certain puzzle pieces and positioning to help grow sales and increase leads. Period.

Each piece in a marketing puzzle fits together to tell a broader story—the story, your story. This website examines the endless puzzle pieces and how you can JustPositionIt!®.

So, what are your puzzle pieces? Social, web, coupons, events, PR, gift cards, blow-in advertising, postcards, flyers, apps, billboards, telemarketing, promotions, hmm?

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about the JustPositionIt!® story, it really means a lot to me. My hope is to help you think differently about your marketing strategy and win sales, business, and happy customers. 🙂

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