15 Content Marketing Ideas Your Prospects Will Drool Over
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15 Content Marketing Ideas Your Prospects Will Drool Over

  Did you know every 60 seconds Facebook users share 2.4 million pieces of content, or that Twitter users tweet 277,000 times?* Holy Moly! Does anyone sleep anymore? Looks like content marketing is here to stay—and you need to take advantage of the phenomenon.     What Is Content Marketing? Content marketing, inbound marketing, or…

What Not to Do with Your Content Marketing Lead Generation Strategy
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What Not to Do with Your Content Marketing Strategy

Did you know there are 211,000,000 pieces of online content created every minute?!* You read it right—that’s 211 million with an M.     Can anyone say, holy cow! Hey, content marketing and lead generation work, clearly, or else businesses wouldn’t invest the time, energy, or expense to do it. But there is a proven…

Don't make this huge advertising mistake. JustPositionIt
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Don’t Make This HUGE Advertising Mistake

According to statista.com, print advertising spending in the United States is expected to reach $15.1 billion in 2016.* That’s a lot of ink and paper!     If you are going to invest that much dough into print advertising, make sure you are doing everything possible to make the biggest impact on both your business…

26 Reasons JustPositionIt! Is Just For You…and Your Company
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26 Reasons JustPositionIt! Is Just For You…and Your Company

Every business, no matter how large or small, should have access to thoughtful, meaningful, relevant, and helpful marketing strategies and tips regardless of their depth of marketing expertise. In the world of business growth and development, it’s all about positioning and marketing puzzle pieces. I beg your pardon, you say? Whether you’re a small business…

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No-Brainer Reasons to Get FREE Updates!

End the madness, misery, and misguidance of not attracting and keeping the customers you want.     Is this you? You want more customers but don’t know what to do to get more. You know you need to work on retention but don’t know how to start creating loyalty. You want a marketing system for…