10 Easy Ways to Get Traffic into Your Brick-and-Mortar Store
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10 Easy Ways to Get Traffic into Your Brick-and-Mortar Store

Did you know that in 2013, retail sales topped $4.5 trillion and are expected to exceed $5.5 trillion in 2018?* Jiminy Cricket! Who says retail is dead?     With so much focus on the online and digital marketplace, it’s easy to forget that ecommerce sales only represent about 6% of overall retail sales.* Don’t…

Warning: 9 Epic Sales Failures to Avoid Like the Plague
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9 Scary Marketing Mistakes You Should Never Make

Did you know that according to the U.S. Census Bureau, over 75% of businesses have no website?* Yikes! ?     Yep, a bit unfortunate and can you say, SCARY!!! You would think something like a website would be a marketing must-have for all businesses, but clearly that’s just not the reality. My suspicion is…

Justpositionit. 11 easy ways to create promotions that drive action
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11 Easy Ways to Create Promotions that Drive Action

80% of consumers would be more tempted to buy from Amazon if they were offered free shipping. 66% would buy if they were offered next-day delivery and 64% said they would buy if they were offered free returns.*     Can you say, cha-ching? If your business isn’t using promotions, you’re leaving money on the…

26 Reasons JustPositionIt! Is Just For You…and Your Company
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26 Reasons JustPositionIt! Is Just For You…and Your Company

Every business, no matter how large or small, should have access to thoughtful, meaningful, relevant, and helpful marketing strategies and tips regardless of their depth of marketing expertise. In the world of business growth and development, it’s all about positioning and marketing puzzle pieces. I beg your pardon, you say? Whether you’re a small business…

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End the madness, misery, and misguidance of not attracting and keeping the customers you want.     Is this you? You want more customers but don’t know what to do to get more. You know you need to work on retention but don’t know how to start creating loyalty. You want a marketing system for…