How to Plan a Week of Social Media Posts in ONE DAY
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How to Plan a Week of Social Media Posts in ONE DAY

When it comes to social media marketing, having social profiles on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn aren’t enough. You also have to post frequent, high-quality content that engages your community. That’s no easy task, especially when you have approximately one million other things to do. But what if we told you we came…

JustPositionIt copywriting
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9 Copywriting Before-and-After’s You’ll Seriously Want to Steal

Did you know that in American Idol’s heyday the show pulled in nearly 40 million viewers? There’s just something about seeing a newbie artist taken from sheer obscurity, watching them blossom right before your eyes, and becoming a show-stopping superstar. We all love a good before and after don’t we?   How does this relate…

9 Ways Marketing Can Fix a Sales Slump
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9 Ways Marketing Can Fix a Sales Slump

Did you know a whopping 45% of salespeople miss their quota?* Yes, hearing that—if you’re a business owner or marketer—is like being subjected to the excruciating misery of nails being scraped across a chalkboard…for an hour. There’s hope; keep reading. The misery of every business It seems most businesses finish their year-end planning and look…

Secrets Pricing Products
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10 Secrets to Consider When Pricing Your Products – Part 2

Did you know that oftentimes the difference between a winning product and a losing product is how you price it? Yep, pricing is THAT important.     In this part 2 article in my pricing series, we’ll explore important secrets to consider when: Determining your pricing objectives Presenting and marketing your prices   If you…

Are You Making these 5 Pricing Mistakes in Your Marketing?
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Are You Making these 5 Pricing Mistakes in Your Marketing?

  Did you know that most businesses simply don’t charge enough for their products and services? And did you know that sales tests have shown that price is one of the most compelling factors that determines the success of a sale? Is your price right?     So, why don’t folks charge enough? There’s several…

Justpositionit How to Use Customer Loyalty to Hit the Repeat Sales Jackpot
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How to Use Customer Loyalty to Hit the Repeat Sales Jackpot

  Did you know it costs almost 5–10 times more to acquire a new customer than it does to sell to an existing one? But wait, there’s more. Current customers spend 67% more than new customers. By golly gosh! If you plan to stay in business, you’ve got to think about customer loyalty—pronto.¹    …

15 Content Marketing Ideas Your Prospects Will Drool Over
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15 Content Marketing Ideas Your Prospects Will Drool Over

  Did you know every 60 seconds Facebook users share 2.4 million pieces of content, or that Twitter users tweet 277,000 times?* Holy Moly! Does anyone sleep anymore? Looks like content marketing is here to stay—and you need to take advantage of the phenomenon.     What Is Content Marketing? Content marketing, inbound marketing, or…

10 Important Ways You Should Analyze Your Business to Gain Marketing Strategy Insights-Justpositionit
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10 Important Ways You Should Analyze Your Business to Gain Marketing Strategy Insights

  Did you know that according to 2016 statistics published by the Small Business Administration (SBA), about 50% of all businesses survive at least five years, and that number drops to 1/3 after 10 years or more.* Whoa! The importance of keeping your eye on the ball can’t be overstated.     Lots of small…

51 Ways to Skyrocket Customer Loyalty with a Simple “Thank You” Justpositionit
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51 Ways to Skyrocket Customer Loyalty with a Simple “Thank You”

  Did you know research shows that when someone receives a thank you they feel higher levels of self-worth?* Imagine what this can do for your customer loyalty!   Is there any better way to say to someone—you mean something to me, you’ve affected my life in a positive way, you’ve helped me, you’ve touched…

9 Avoidable Launch Mistakes Justpositionit
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9 Avoidable Mistakes That’ll Derail Your Product Launch

  Did you know that between 2006 and 2010 over 100,000 new products were launched?* Holy smokes! Who says there are no original ideas anymore?   With all the new products being launched in the business-to-business and business-to-consumer space, you would think a new product launch formula would be a well-oiled machine. WRONG! While there…

Justpositionit 9 Signs You Desperately Need to Hire a Marketing Consultant
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9 Signs You Desperately Need to Hire a Marketing Consultant

  Did you know that hundreds of thousands of businesses¹ retain the services of a marketing consultant? Whoa! That’s a ton of much-needed help and support given. And why not? Marketing consultants are critical to the success of many businesses both large and small.     There are so many benefits of hiring a marketing…

9 Hidden Marketing Tactics You Can Learn from Universal Studios Hollywood to Grow Your Business
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9 Hidden Marketing Tactics You Can Learn from Universal Studios Hollywood to Grow Your Business

  Did you know Universal Studios Hollywood had 7.1 million visitors in 2015? Ay caramba! That’s a lot of people, memories, families, kids, and MONEY-SPENDING customers! Yes, I said customers.   Many times, people look at theme parks such as this and think it’s just an amusement park meant to simply entertain. Well, that’s partially true….

Warning: 9 Epic Sales Failures to Avoid Like the Plague
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Warning: 9 Epic Sales Failures to Avoid Like the Plague

  Did you know over 90% of companies will only buy from other companies they trust?¹ There’s a lesson here, folks! If you want sales, you have to build trust—it’s really that simple. But some companies just don’t learn. I had a not-so-great experience with a home improvement vendor (who shall remain nameless) that I…

The 10 Most Common Marketing Myths You Need to Know (and Stop Believing)
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The 10 Most Common Marketing Myths You Need to Know (and Stop Believing)

  Did you know that the show MythBusters  ran for 15 seasons and aired nearly 300 episodes?¹ Holy cow! It’s fair to say human beings are addicted to myths, old wives’ tales (we all secretly believe they’re true, right?), and hidden discoveries. Myth busting is a great way to keep us honest and appreciate the…

Marketing 101: Two Foolproof Ways to Quickly Spot Benefits from Features
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Marketing 101: Two Foolproof Ways to Quickly Spot Benefits from Features

  Did you know that U.S. infomercials are a $250 billion industry?¹ Wait, I don’t even own a Snuggie®! What is it exactly that these infomercials do to sell like gangbusters? They sell BENEFITS—and you should be selling benefits over features in your business too. The reason I’m bringing up infomercial sales is to demonstrate…

Justpositionit - How to Slam Dunk Your Sales Like NIKE Using Customer Segmentation
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How to Slam Dunk Your Marketing Like NIKE Using Customer Segmentation

  Did you know…NIKE made $30.6 billion in sales for fiscal year 2015, UP 10% from the prior year?¹ Talk about wanting to be like Mike!² How did they do this, you ask? Customer segmentation.   Download a complete PDF of this article.    Customer segmentation is something you may already be applying in your…

What emoticons and emojis can teach you about emotional copywriting
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What Emoticons and Emojis Can Teach You About Emotional Copywriting

  Did you know that there are over 950 different emoji characters and that six billion of those emojis are sent around the world every day?¹ ¡Ay, caramba! The message: Make People FEEL Something:)     People are clearly emotional creatures, and smart marketers and business owners should take heed of this fact, particularly in…

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Value Proposition
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A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Value Proposition

Florida-based Bay & Bee, an eco-friendly children’s play space supplier, doubled its retail space in nine months, all thanks to their value proposition!* Who says you don’t need a strong value proposition these days? Download a complete PDF of this article.  The majority of businesses struggle with clearly articulating why they’re unique and oftentimes feel…

10 Must-Ask Questions That’ll Upgrade Your Next Marketing Plan
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10 Must-Ask Questions That’ll Upgrade Your Next Marketing Plan

Did you know that 44%* of small businesses don’t have a marketing plan? Say it isn’t so! If you are a small business—or any business, for that matter—you need a marketing plan.     If you are selling anything to anyone, you need a marketing plan. If you plan to actually make money from selling…

25 Strategies to Grow Your Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (based on The Five Love Languages)
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25 Strategies to Grow Your Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (based on The Five Love Languages)

The bestselling book, The Five Love Languages, has sold over 8 million copies in English and has been translated into 49 other languages.* Gee-whiz! Clearly Dr. Gary Chapman is onto something…huge.     The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate, was first published in 1992. The 1996 edition consistently ranks…