Get Messaging Down Pat: 11 Messaging Mistakes Killing Your Sales and What to Do Instead (The Bundle)
Did you know that messaging can make or break your business? It’s true.
And what happens when your sales are low? You feel frustrated because you see other entrepreneurs and businesses succeed and wonder why you’re falling behind? But it’s not your fault. Rarely anywhere are you taught the RIGHT messaging strategies that can help build your business. This is why I created GET MESSAGING DOWN PAT: 11 Messaging Mistakes Killing Your Sales and What to Do Instead.
Download this guide and bonus audio!
Results You Can Expect
Messaging is one of the biggest areas of struggle for most businesses and yet it’s the most important to get right so you can make a lasting impact on your clients and prospects and stay memorable.
You may be having trouble coming up with your messaging or maybe you want to know how you can improve your messaging or positioning to make it work better, so it encourages more action, engagement, or sales. Whichever scenario is yours, you’re in the right place.
This guide will teach you:
- The essential emotion to channel so you can create standout messaging that engages your audience.
- How to easily get crystal clear on who your target audience is so they feel like your product or service was made just for them.
- One simple way to make sure your messaging doesn’t confuse your audience, so you get a YES instead of a no.
- A hidden secret about what people really buy so you can pour rocket fuel on your sales.
- And SO much more
Here’s the deal. As amazing as your products and services are, if you don’t know how to convincingly convey them, no one is going to buy from you.
What You’ll Discover
You’ll discover exactly what NOT to do when positioning your products and services such as:
- Not having a plan of attack: Throwing messaging spaghetti at the wall hoping it will stick just doesn’t work.
- Succumbing to the curse of knowledge: Sometimes knowing too much and being too close to your product can warp your perspective and cause you trouble when conveying value.
- Forgetting to highlight the biggest reason people come to you for help: People often act when faced with a challenge. The trick is understanding what that challenge is.
- Leaving out the desire destination: What’s the end goal? You must start with the end in mind.
- And more!
Plus, you’ll learn exactly what to do, step-by-step, to avoid these mistakes.
Your Bonus Audio Training
You’ll get a completely free audio training: 5 Messaging Mistakes to Avoid
In this training I share strategies that have only been shared with my high-level clients so you can see success and more importantly experience differentiation in your business.
So, Who the Heck Am I and Why Should You Care?
Hi, I’m Angela, but my friends call me Ang.
Here’s what I can do for YOU.
I’ve worked with over 100 businesses in the past 10+ years on their copywriting, messaging, and marketing strategy, so I truly understand how your messaging boosts revenue. If you want practical knowhow that’s helped drive millions in sales working with owners and leaders, I’m your gal.
You’ve got choices, so just remember these two things about me:
- 10X the Industry Chops: When it comes to industry experience, you’re in good hands. I’ve been the mastermind behind the messaging in no fewer than 10 industries: coaching, real estate, financial services, not-for-profit, retail, education, toys, software, manufacturing, skin care and beauty, and health and nutritional supplements.
- Training: I walk my talk. How can I ask you to let me coach you, if I don’t receive coaching myself? I invest thousands and thousands of dollars into learning from top marketing, copywriting, and online business leaders so I can pass the knowledge over to you.
Product Details
- Print Length: 16 pages
- Author: Angela Murphy
- Language: English
- File Size: 1.2 MB